Making The Leap
Making The Leap is a weekly podcast hosted by Christine and Chris Stigall. The Stigalls recently made the leap to Christian education, pulling their daughter out of a public school and sending her to a private Christian school. The Stigalls want to empower other families to choose the school that’s best for them and break free from the status quo. They speak with society experts, educators, legislators, psychologists, and other parents to uncover the hidden truths in education and lay the groundwork for change.
Learn more at This podcast is produced by the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation.
Podcasting since 2022 • 139 episodes
Making The Leap
Latest Episodes
We're trying a new feature here at Making the Leap. The concept is simple. Now that the Stigalls have "made the leap" to Christian education and have a better understanding of all that goes into the decision, Christine decided to ta...
Episode 138
The Only Christian School In Town
This episode might reflect one of the biggest "leapers" we've ever featured. Both geographically and in terms of educating her kids. Stephanie Murray was a young mother in Boston whose husband's work to her to Park City, Utah. She began by plac...
Episode 137
The Poison Politics Of Public School
It's no secret the presidential election of 2024 simply broke some people. But what if it broke one of your kids' school teachers? The Stigalls react to some headlines in the days and weeks surrounding this election. They also...
Episode 136
Who Says You Can't Have A Job And Homeschool?
Are you a professional who thinks you don't have the time or resources to make a change in your child's education? One of the most impressive stories we've heard on the show is that of Constance Bradley. She began with a son in public school wh...
Episode 135