Making The Leap
Making The Leap is a weekly podcast hosted by Christine and Chris Stigall. The Stigalls recently made the leap to Christian education, pulling their daughter out of a public school and sending her to a private Christian school. The Stigalls want to empower other families to choose the school that’s best for them and break free from the status quo. They speak with society experts, educators, legislators, psychologists, and other parents to uncover the hidden truths in education and lay the groundwork for change.
Learn more at MakingTheLeapPodcast.com. This podcast is produced by the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation.
Making The Leap
Christian Media Is Booming!
While there's never been a bigger selection and menu of Christian media options today, there's also never been a more aggressive push to silence those products. That's why the National Religious Broadcasters exist as an organization - to advocate for and defend Christian programming. President of the NRB, Troy Miller has invited the Stigalls to participate in producing Making the Leap from their annual convention and they will return next year with their colleagues from the Herzog Podcast Network and the Lion to formally join the NRB. In today's conversation we get a peek inside the battles Christian programmers sometimes fight to get their products to market for their audiences. The NRB has been in existence for over eighty years when radio was the primary media delivery system. Today, Christian media has expanded to network television, satellite and streaming radio and podcasts, publishing, and much more.
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