Making The Leap
Making The Leap is a weekly podcast hosted by Christine and Chris Stigall. The Stigalls recently made the leap to Christian education, pulling their daughter out of a public school and sending her to a private Christian school. The Stigalls want to empower other families to choose the school that’s best for them and break free from the status quo. They speak with society experts, educators, legislators, psychologists, and other parents to uncover the hidden truths in education and lay the groundwork for change.
Learn more at MakingTheLeapPodcast.com. This podcast is produced by the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation.
Making The Leap
Live On Set! An Exclusive Conversation with Kirk Cameron
The Stigalls head to College Station, Texas to get a behind-the-scenes tour of Brave Books' new children's TV show hosted by Kirk Cameron. In part one of this two-part episode, you'll join the Stigalls on set for a one-on-one with the star of "Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk." He discusses the importance of being a parent in a digital age and why, as successful entertainer and father of adult children who could be doing anything at this stage of his life instead works so hard to impact our nation's kids.
Kids of the 80s - you can appreciate Chris and Christine getting a little geeked-out talking with one of the stars of a hit TV show from their formative years. But despite his star-power with some, Kirk is humble, kind, and passionate about our kids' futures. Find out how you can get involved and become a contributor to support the show at https://bravebooks.us/pages/the-adventures-with-iggy-and-mr-kirk
#herzogfoundation #christianeducation #makingtheleap #podcast #kirkcameron #bravebooks #christiancontent #childrenseducation #childrenscontent #childrensentertainment #childrenstv
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