Making The Leap
Making The Leap is a weekly podcast hosted by Christine and Chris Stigall. The Stigalls recently made the leap to Christian education, pulling their daughter out of a public school and sending her to a private Christian school. The Stigalls want to empower other families to choose the school that’s best for them and break free from the status quo. They speak with society experts, educators, legislators, psychologists, and other parents to uncover the hidden truths in education and lay the groundwork for change.
Learn more at MakingTheLeapPodcast.com. This podcast is produced by the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation.
Making The Leap
Weighing the Options: Public School vs. Private
Chris and Christine Stigall are parents to three teenagers. Chris is a talk show host who’s made a career covering politics. Christine is a former public school teacher turned stay-at-home mom. They watched their kids and community decline during covid school closures. They knew it was time to speak up and make a change.
On the first episode of Making the Leap, Chris and Christine discuss their decision to send their daughter to a private Christian school, while keeping their two sons in public school. They walk listeners through their entire decision-making process, and bring on the academic dean of a private Christian school in West Chester, Pennsylvania. They discuss how it felt to call that school for the first time. They address the pro’s and con’s of both public and private school options. And finally, Chris and Christine share why they would choose Christian education for all three of their children if they could do it all over again. Learn more at HerzogFoundation.com.
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Email us at Hello@makingtheleappodcast.com.
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